Authors: Yan Desjardins, Founder & Executive Director
Canada is home to rich biodiversity.
With such a large landmass, it is no surprise that Canada is home to thousands of different species of animals and other living creatures. Canada has one of the largest northern biodiversity on the planet. More than 80,000 species, to be exact. Canada’s wildlife makes up an essential part of Canada’s tourism. Large and charismatic animals not seen in many other countries worldwide always captivate tourists who visit using their Canadian tourist visa.
So, with your Canadian tourist visa in hand, discover the 30 different wildlife ecosystems across Canada! You’ll be sure to stumble across several Canadian mighty giants, and plenty of cute animals are to be found while on a Canadian tourist visa.
From the arctic polar bears to the several species of whales to the funny-looking giant moose, wildlife watching in Canada’s large and stunning wilderness is a big reason why many apply for a Canadian visa.
The most notorious Canadian animals.
Just like any other country in the world, Canada has its notorious animals. With all sorts of climates in Canada, the wildlife has adapted to the rugged terrain and cold weather over thousands of years. Some of these animals have become national emblems over time! Like the first one we will see in the list below.
The Beaver
No other animal has played such a historic role in Canadian history as the beaver. This large rodent has a chubby body, webbed feet, and a long muscular tail to support its swimming. The beaver can live in rivers and lakes all across Canada, and you can even see it on the Canadian five-cent coins.
These busy beavers cut upwards to 200 trees per year with their sharp teeth. The beaver will then build elaborate homes, called a beaver dam, using wood logs. The beaver played a historic role in Canada’s developing economy. Traded for its warm fur by the European colonies, the beaver fur trading created economic opportunities and led to the founding of many cities in Canada, known as trading posts.
While visiting Canada with your 10 years Canada visa, you will have the best chance of spotting a beaver paddling in a lake between dusk and dawn with his small head just above the way.
The Caribou
In Northern Canada, you can find nearly 2.5 million reindeers, or as we call them, Caribou! Along with the beaver, Caribou is a national emblem in Canada and can also be seen on Canada’s twenty-five-cent coins.
These large animals can weigh up to 300 kg and stand as tall as 2.2 meters, if not more. You might have recognized them for pulling that big white-bearded man sleigh? Well, you’re right! Caribous play an essential part in the northern Canadian ecosystem, the tundra.
So if you plan on visiting any of the northern parts of Canada when you visit after you apply for a Canadian visa, you will most likely see herds of Caribous roaming around Canada’s arctic.
The Canadian Lynx
The big Canadian cat. Slightly larger than your average housecat, a Canadian lynx isn’t one that you will want to pet. These boreal predators are master hunters and are ferocious. Therefore, they should not by any means be approached and should be appreciated from a distance.
Canadian lynx live in extensive forests and create their homes in thick bushes or under fallen trees. This Canadian cat is not the fastest runner of the feline family, but they can move quickly through the snow with their large snowshoe-like paws.
The Moose.
The moose is one of our favourites. This enormous and majestic like-deer can be seen in many different regions of Canada. Weighing upwards to 800kg and 2 meters tall at its shoulders, it is another animal on the list you might not want to go petting. A single kick from the moose’s back legs can be fatal to humans. However, these animals are typically not dangerous and leave humans alone if they are not disturbed.
You can often see moose crossing roads in Canada, making driving in Canada a little more dangerous at night. You do not want to hit one of these with your car. Sometimes, moose crossings may even cause traffic jams! Not your typical rush hour in Canada!
To increase your chances of spotting a moose while visiting using your Canadian tourist visa, be around lakes and streams in the western mountain ranges of British Columbia, Alberta, and Yukon, or camp or trek in the lush forests of Québec. If you encounter a moose in the woods, standstill as it will slowly pass you by and admire the beauty of this Canadian giant.
The Porcupine
This ridiculously curious and slow-moving animal is Canada’s second-largest rodent. Covered with over 30,000 quills, this prickly animal is best to avoid and observe from afar. However, you can encounter these funny creatures in both Canadian forests and cities.
When it feels threatened, a porcupine will aggressively lash its tail, causing the quill-like needles to be thrown in the air. So if you see one, as long as you are respectful, keep your distance and not scare it, your encounter will be alright.
The Loon
Another Canadian national emblem, the loons. They can be heard in early mornings along calm lakes as the sun rises. The humming bell sound that it produces is enchanting as it echoes over the lake. The loon’s color may vary, but their black neck and head remain one of the most notable characteristics.
The loon is a stunning aquatic bird that you can find all around Canada. Fear not, If you don’t get a chance to see a loon in person when you visit using your 10 years Canada visa, worry not; you can always open your wallet and look at the back of a one-dollar coin.
The Grizzly bear
When you get your 10 years Canada visa, and if your travels take you to the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Québec, and Yukon, there’s a chance you may encounter a grizzly bear. Seeings of this other Canadian giant have occurred in forest areas across the country by trekkers, campers, and other nature lovers.
Standing upwards to 3 meters tall, this brown bear is a fierce hunter and swimmer. They can stand on their back legs, use their long and sharp claws to climb trees, and catch fish in Canadian rivers. The grizzly bear is one of the most aggressive and powerful bears in the Canadian wilderness. If you do encounter one, stay calm and slowly move away as it passes you by.
During the spring and summer months, the grizzly bear commences its food hunt to prepare for its long hibernation in the winter.
If you plan on camping during your visit on your 10 years Canada visa, always make sure to have food away from the campsite. Grizzly bears are known for dropping in uninvited around campgrounds.
The Whales
Orcas, also known as killer whales, get their name from their diet for eating seals and other whales. But, do not be fooled by their stunning looks. They are fierce hunters.
The Canadian west coast is very popular with tourists who visit using their 10 years Canada visa. In addition, there are many whale watching tours around Vancouver Island to sightsee orcas where you can watch the black-and-white colored plunge in and out of the ocean.
If your trip does not involve being on the Westcoast, there are other opportunities to see other Canadian whales. For example, if you are traveling through Manitoba, you can visit Churchill to witness the beauty of the Beluga Whales in their sanctuary.
Maybe your first visit on your Canadian tourist visa will take you to the province of Québec. If so, we recommend that you visit the Tadoussac region of the province, where you can catch a boat and witness the beauty of Blue Whales. They swim down the St. Lawrence river from the Atlantic ocean to the amazement of thousands of tourists each year.
There are many types of whales in Canada to see through the many whale safaris available across the country; but, the Beluga Whales are probably amongst the cutest and most friendly! They may just swim up to you and say hello!
The Wolf
Fierce and quick, wolves are commonly seen in many Canadian provinces. From Québec to Newfoundland, Labrador to Yukon, these large majestic dogs have been part of Canadian history for thousands of years. Just like the beaver, the Canadian Wolfe was once hunted for its fur.
Wolves are excellent hunters. They have adapted to Canadian winters and landscapes and thrive in packs. As a result, they can move swiftly through the water, land, and even snow.
If you’re out camping, there’s a good chance you will hear packs of them howling at the moon. But fear not, wolves rarely want to encounter humans and often stay away.
The Polar Bear
Canada is home to the most polar bears in the world, approximately 15,000 polar bears in total! These large animals can grow upwards of 800kg and can only be seen in one place in Canada through September to early November in a small town called Churchill, Manitoba.
The polar bears are playful creatures and are easily recognizable by their white fur and cute faces. They are one of Canada’s most famous animals. Living on the frozen waters of Canada’s arctic, they feed on fish and seals.
When you visit using your Canadian tourist visa, Venturing to Churchill will be nothing but an adventure. There are no roads to get to this tiny little town. To visit, you will need to book a train or come by plane. Although out of the way, we believe it’s still worth visiting as Churchill is also home to seals, beluga whales, and the northern lights.
The Canadian Goose
The Canadian Goose is a large species of bird that are found all over Canada. They migrate to warmer climates during the winter, mainly in parts of the United States and sometimes Northern Europe, making a transatlantic flight.
The goose is an extremely strong bird that can fly uninterrupted for hours. Their flight pattern, a large reversed V shape, allows the geese to fly aerodynamically. They switch turns at the tip of the formation to allow rest periods for every bird, therefore sharing the burden of facing the strong winds.
For Canadians, seeing a flock of geese flying after the long winter months announces the coming of spring. But don’t think the geese are just as friendly as Canadians! On the contrary, they can be pretty temperamental. Just ask any Canadian. Most will have a story of being chased by one!
The Canadian Goose is the only truly mean Canadian!
Witness all of the beauty of Canada’s wilderness.
If you are a nature and animal lover, make Canada your top destination! You will be sure to be amazed by all it has to offer. When you apply for a Canada visa, you are most likely to receive a 10 years Canada visa that will allow you to come back year after year.
Don’t have time to travel the large areas of Canada to witness these iconic Canadian animals? Worry not. Canada has many natural conservation sanctuaries that allow visitors. One of our favorites is the Park Omega, located 45 minutes away from Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Take a drive through the protected forest and meet most of these Canadian icons. They will come right up to your car windows for you to feed them. An enjoyable activity for the family during your visit.
Need help applying for a Canada visa? Phan Immigration is here for you. Contact us today and receive a free assessment.