International students: IRCC to allow more than 20 hours of off-campus work in Canada

by Phan Immigration, October 14th, 2022
International students: IRCC to allow more than 20 hours of off-campus work in Canada

IRCC Minister, The Honourable Sean Fraser, announced on October 7th new temporary measures to help ease the labour shortage in Canada. Starting November 15th, 2022, until December 31st, 2023, international students who study in Canada will no longer be limited to 20 hours of off-campus work in Canada during school sessions. 

By Yan Desjardins, Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. 

Why is this new measure coming into force?

Canada is currently facing an unprecedented labour shortage, and many employers are facing challenges in retaining their workforce. There are currently more than 500,000 students studying in Canada who could potentially work additional hours and help relieve the stress on the labour market. 

Canada’s immigration programs help strengthen the economy and provide growth in the labour market. That is why Canada has multiple programs to help skilled immigrants find opportunities to work in Canada. 

Canada’s labour shortage is greatly caused by an older and retiring workforce and post-pandemic economic recovery. 

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The current off-campus work in Canada program

Currently, international students who study in Canada are allowed to work in Canada during their studies for up to 20 hours a week if the employment is off-campus and full-time if the employment is on campus. This component of the study in Canada immigration program allows students to gain valuable work experience, perfect their language skills and get accustomed to the Canadian labour market. 

But that is all about to change. Students will now have the opportunity to work in Canada for more than 20 hours off-campus and up to full-time if they want while they study in Canada. 

Who does it apply to?

Once in place, by November 15th, these measures will apply to all students currently studying in Canada and to all new students coming to study in Canada during the time the pilot project is in place. 

In order to qualify, you must be accepted at a school to study in Canada and be granted a valid study permit. Once your permit is issued and you travel to Canada, you will be able to look for an opportunity to work in Canada and start working right away. 

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How does this benefit those who study in Canada?

First, everyone loves having money in their pockets, so this new announcement will allow those studying in Canada to work and earn more income.

But furthermore, students will be able to gain valuable experience working in Canada and be more prepared for post-graduation opportunities to work in Canada after their studies. 

Here are some of the things you will be able to learn and retain during your time working in Canada:

  • Familiarize yourself with the labour market and Canadian business culture;
  • Improve your communication, language, and professional skills;
  • Understand taxation guidelines and income declaration required for people working in Canada;
  • You might be eligible to receive income tax credits during the time you study in Canada;
  • Work in Canada and learn about the principals of equality, diversity and respect in the workplace which are truly Canadian values. 

Why you should choose to study in Canada

With more than 15,000 different post-secondary programs, a world-leading education system, a free world-class healthcare system, and all-around safe communities across the country, it is no surprise that Canada is a preferred destination for students who wish to study in Canada. 

Did you also know that Canada is the country with the most post-secondary educated population in the world? According to an OECD report published in 2017, Canada has surpassed many other similar countries in terms of literacy among the population and ranked first worldwide.

Also, you benefit from competitive tuition costs for post-secondary programs when you study in Canada. Canada’s tuition fees for post-secondary education are much lower than comparables in the United States or the United Kingdom. Read more about the cost of studying in Canada in our blog section.

When you study in Canada and graduate from your program, Canada will allow you to work in Canada for up to 3 years on a post-graduation work permit. This is one of the most generous post-graduation work programs amongst other G7 countries. 

study in Canada

Why choose Phan Immigration as your study in Canada representative?

We offer unparalleled consulting experience in Canadian immigration. We understand the reality of moving to another country and its challenges. At Phan Immigration, we can help you find the right path to studying in Canada with a personalized and cost-effective approach. 

Want to know more about studying in Canada or more about opportunities to work in Canada?

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